All sites in this category should contain recipes. Recipe sites in this category, and especially the subcategories, will usually be intended to help with a specific health condition. The site should indicate in the title or the text what that focus is, e.g. low salt, gluten-free, heart healthy, and so forth. Sites that focus on ethnic cuisines should go in the appropriate ethnic category in World Cuisines. Sites that focus on vegan or vegetarian diets should go in those respective categories. Sites that explain a medical condition and mention food preparation only in passing are better placed in Health.
Recipes submitted here can not be for sale. If you have recipes for sale please submit them in the appropriate section of the Directory, under Shopping.
Sites that focus on allergen-free food preparation techniques and recipes.
Sites that focus on food allergies should be submitted to Health: Conditions and Diseases: Allergies: Food.

Sites that focus only on dairy-free recipes should be submitted to Home/Cooking/Special_Diets/Dairy-Free.

Online stores selling allergen-free foods should be submitted to Shopping: Food: Diet: Allergen Free.

Recipes and advice on dairy-free cooking, for people with milk allergies or lactose intolerance, or who desire to avoid milk products for other reasons.
All listings in this category should contain recipes that are useful in the diet of diabetic persons.
Recipes submitted here can not be for sale. If you have recipes for sale please submit them in the appropriate section of the Directory, under Shopping.
Listings placed here are for people who desire recipes that are high in fiber due to gastrointestinal disorders, coronary heart disease, and/or diabetes regulations. Please submit listings that focus on a particular high fiber food in the proper category.
Sites should be named low carb or low carbohydrate or use that phrase prominently in the text of the recipes.
A huge selection of Low-fat recipe sites to choose from including recipes from every meal category. Many sites have additional nutritional information for those interested in eating healthier.