Orienteering is a sport where the competitors use a very detailed map and a compass to find their way through pre-specified control points in the landscape. Orienteering is special because it can be enjoyed by everyone, from a highly competitive endurance sport where the runners are among the strongest endurance athletes of any sport in the world, to a slow walk in the woods at your own pace. Needless to say, it is a sport where brainwork is essential, it is therefore said that orienteering is like "playing chess while running." This category emphasizes the sport of orienteering, not the act of navigating in the woods, so you will find related sites in the Recreation : Outdoors hierarchy.
Submit only sites that describes equipment used in competitive orienteering. More general equipment used in hiking, camping, etc. should be in subcategories of Outdoors.
Equipment used in competitive orienteering.
Submit only sites that describes equipment used in competitive orienteering. More general equipment used in hiking, camping, etc. should be in subcategories of Outdoors.
Orienteering competitions in many parts of the world.
This category offers links to orienteering organizations, such as international confederations, national federations and associations, along with regional and local clubs. Clubs typically feature their own events, training, contact information and local information.
Home pages of Orienteering clubs are appropriate in this category.

Since most of these pages will be of a regional nature, you are encouraged to see whether an appropriate category for your club exists within the appropriate Regional/ tree''s "Recreation_and_Sports" category. A few areas will have their own Orienteering category

Non-english sites should however be submitted to the appropriate category in World/ category.

Since few such categories exist, you are encouraged to apply for editorship in your language, and create a subcategory for Orienteering.

Sites that exists in both English and other languages may be submitted to this category as well as the appropriate World/ category.

Ski-Orienteering is done on cross-country skis. In a good ski-o-event, the organizers have prepared a very dense network of trails, mostly using snowmobiles, so that the best racers will meet a cross every 15-20 seconds. Ski-orienteering is very concentration intensive, in addition to that it is one of the most demanding endurance sports.
Orienteering has seen a rapid development in new technologies, touching everything from normal competitions, map making and media attention. This category lists web sites of the new technologies involved.