This category is for bands and artists. No sites are listed in this category; they are all listed in subcategories.
If a category exists for the band or artist your site is about, please submit it to that specific category. Otherwise, please submit it to the appropriate letter or digit category of the alphabet bar.

Sites in the main letter categories will be listed with the band or artist''s name as the site title. Individuals will be listed "Surname, First Name". Bands with an article will be listed as "Band, The".

Links to categories for solo performers and ensembles.
This category serves as an easy way to get to the Bands and Artists categories in the Arts: Music: Styles section.
Please do not submit sites to this category. Please click on the link for the appropriate style and submit your site there or to the appropriate letter category in Arts: Music: Bands and Artists.
For bands and artists that play only covers of other artist's songs.
Please submit your site to the appropriate letter or number of the alphabar. Enter your band''s name in the title field, and nothing else.

Also, it is helpful to include in the description where the band is from or based, (city, state or city, country), and what type covers (pop, 80s, etc.) the band plays.

Tribute acts are music bands or solo artists that appear in imitation of an another, well-established act (or, on rare occasions, two bands or solo artists). Tribute acts' web sites are listed in a subcategory of the act they imitate, and are @linked from this category. Only general pages about tribute bands belong here.
Only general pages about tribute acts belong in this category. Tribute acts'' web sites are listed in a subcategory of the band or artist they imitate, and linked from this category. Booking agencies that handle tribute bands do not belong here as well.

Submissions for sites about tribute acts which do not currently have a category may be submitted here; a category will then be created in order to list such sites. Please look at the collection of links within this category to see if a tribute act category already exists, and submit your site there.

This category is NOT for "tribute" sites about famous bands; these should be submitted to the category for the band in question and not here. Also, musical acts that play songs from several famous bands or artists (not just one or two) or a particular era (such as "new wave" or "80s metal") are not considered tribute acts and should not be submitted here. There is a category for such cover bands at Arts: Music: Bands and Artists: Cover Bands. Also note that booking agencies do not belong in this category, but should be submitted over at Business: Arts and Entertainment: Music: Agents and Managers.

This category is for sites which offer free resources of some form specifically to unsigned bands and artists. Examples would be studios which offer specials for unsigned artists or sites which offer information to help bands land contracts.
Sites should only be submitted here if they offer free resources of some form specifically to unsigned bands and artists.

Sites for businesses which do not offer free services should be submitted to the appropriate category underneath Business: Arts and Entertainment: Music

Sites for unsigned bands themselves should be submitted to the appropriate letter category underneath Arts: Music: Bands and Artists, or to the appropriate style under Arts: Music: Styles

Sites of artists, musicians and bands themselves will not be listed here.