Arts: Television: People lists only those directors, writers, announcers, and hosts related to television programs. Actor and actresses for television shows are listed in the appropriate letter category in Arts: Performing Arts: Acting: Actors and Actresses.
Please use the appropriate sub-category for a director, writer, host, or announcer of a television show.

If the person is an actor or actress please submit the link to the appropriate category in Arts: Performing_Arts: Acting: Actors_and_Actresses.

Arts: Television: Announcers and Hosts is designed for show host/announcer categories related to Arts: Television: Programs. It is also intended to hold sites with general information on people involved in hosting television programs. Sites for news anchors and other journalists should be submitted to News/Media/Journalism/Journalists.
No sites should be submitted directly to Arts: Television: Announcers and Hosts unless the host/announcer does not have a category, or the site is about announcers and hosts in general. Sites based on a host/announcer should be submitted to that host/announcer''s category.
Arts: Television: People: Contestants is designed for show contestant categories related to Arts: Television: Programs.
No sites should be submitted directly to Arts: Television: People: Contestants. Please submit any contestant sites to their respective contestant�s category in Arts/Television/Programs.

more information (editors only)

Arts: Television: People: Directing is designed for show director's categories related to Arts: Television: Programs. It is also intended to hold sites that provide biographical and personal information on multiple directors known for their work in television.
If a category exists for the directors site, please submit it to that specific category. Otherwise, please submit your site here.
Arts: Television: People: Producers is designed for show producer's categories related to Arts: Television: Programs. It is also intended to hold sites with general information about people involved in television production.
If a category exists for the producers site, please submit it to that specific category. Otherwise, please submit your site here.
Arts: Television: People: Writing is designed for show writer's categories related to Arts: Television: Programs. It is also intended for sites with general information on multiple television writers.
If a category exists for the writers site, please submit it to that specific category. Otherwise, please submit your site here.