Almost every television show has one. In fact, some have more than one! Here is where we pay homage to those catchy little tunes and lyrics that you find yourself humming all day long.
Please only submit sites to this category that are mainly ''theme song oriented''.

For example: A site with a collection of downloadable theme songs, or lyrics would be suitable for submission. Whereas, a page about Knight Rider, containing only it''s theme would not be suitable. A much better category for that would be: /Arts/Television/Programs/Science_Fiction/Knight_Rider/

Due to the high bandwidth sometimes used, many theme song collectors are preferring to send their files to you by email request, rather than storing them online to download straight away. Be warned! The quality of these sites can vary drastically from day to day, as when you make a request, you are often relying on another human being to send you the appropriate file. Some may respond within a few hours, others a few days. But remember: if the site owner has gone on prepared for a bit of a wait!
Only submit to this category if the site in question relies solely on E-Mail to distribute theme tunes. If all the tunes are stored online ready for immediate download over the web, please use the main category instead:
