Investment software includes commercial as well as noncommercial software products that are intended to assist some area of investor functions. NOTE: Software producers in the investing arena may or may not have any financial training or expertise. There is virtually no regulation or fidcuciary licensing of many of these products.
Please only submit existing software products for Institutional and Back office departments/enterprises, not ideas, concepts, projects

Format for entries should be: Title: Description: ()

Providers and Consultancies should be added to the appropriate subdirectories.

The software, services and products listed here must bring benefits to traditional and alternative asset managers for financial investments and portfolio management including trading , mid-office and back-office. This directory only deals with corporate software and software providers.
Please only submit existing software products for Institutional and Back office departments/enterprises, not ideas, concepts, projects

Format for entries should be: Title: Description: ()

Providers and Consultancies should be added to the appropriate subdirectories.

This category lists sites related to investment calculator software. It does not list mortgage calculators, which should be submitted to Business/Financial_Services/Mortgages/Calculators instead.