The Agents and Agencies category includes global real estate agencies as well as sites for associations, education and training, and other support industries specifically for agents and/or agencies.

Sites not listed in this category:

  • All local and regional real estate agents and agencies are listed in the Regional branch according to the city or town where their office is located. This is discussed further in the real estate guidelines.

Realtors, local real estate agencies, and regionally specific sites will not be listed in this category.

Only those with a scope covering multiple countries on multiple continents can be included in this category. This is not a category for individual agent or brokerage web sites.

Please note, if your site does not meet the above criteria it will result in the site being deleted without review. Please submit to the proper category to get your site listed as quickly as possible.

Sites listed in this category are international in scope and focus on aspects of commercial real estate, including but not limited to the sale and/or leasing of corporate, office, industrial, or commercial space.

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Submit sites with offices in only one country/locality to the corresponding Regional category. This category only lists sites for international organizations.

Title: Name of Business or Organization

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms.

This category is for web sites that are directories of Real Estate Agents and Offices. Only those with a scope covering multiple countries on multiple continents can be included in this category. This is not a category for individual realtor or broker web sites. Sites that require an agent to pay for a listing are noted as "membership based".

Realtors, real estate agencies, and regionally specific sites will not be listed in this category.

This category is for web sites that are directories of Real Estate Agents and Offices. Only those with a scope covering multiple countries on multiple continents can be included in this category. This is not a category for individual realtor or broker web sites. Sites that require an agent to pay for a listing are noted as "membership based".

Please note, if your site does not meet the criteria for this category it will result in the site being deleted without review. Please submit to the proper category to get your site listed as quickly as possible.

All local and regional real estate agents and agencies are listed in the Regional branch according to the city or town where their office is located. This is discussed further in the real estate guidelines.

Regionally specific sites will not be listed in this category.

This category is for residential Real Estate companies with a presence in several different countries on different continents. This is not a category for individual realtor or broker web sites.

Please note, if your site does not meet the above criteria it will result in the site being deleted without review. Please submit to the proper category to get your site listed as quickly as possible.