The Inspection category includes property inspection organizations with a global presence. Other sites appropriate to be listed here include professional associations, those offering education and training to the profession, and directories of home inspectors.

Sites not listed in this category:

  • All local and regional inspections firms and independent inspectors are listed in the Regional branch according to the city or town where their office is located.


Only property inspection websites with a global and/or physical presence in multiple countries (THAT'S countries, NOT counties) will be listed in this category.

All other inspection firms should be forwarded to the Regional category corresponding to the U.S. state, city or town where their principal office is located.

Individual home inspection firms WILL NOT BE LISTED HERE but rather forwarded to the appropriate regional directory for review. This will significantly slow down your submission so you have been warned.


Find links to sites for real estate inspection associations.

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Business or Organization

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms.

This category is for websites that are composed of links to other home inspection companies on the web. This is an International category. To be considered for inclusion here, the listings which make up your web directory should be broad and cover a wide area. If your directory site offers listings of home inspection companies on a local or regional level, please add your site to the /Regional branch instead.

Local websites are not listed here.

This category is for websites that are composed of links to other home inspection companies on the web. This is an International category. To be considered for inclusion here, the listings which make up your web directory should be broad and cover a wide area. If your directory site offers listings of home inspection companies on a local or regional level, please add your site to the /Regional branch instead.

Help us get your site listed quicker by following these tips:

  • Title of Site: Should be the legal name of your business. No keyword stuffing please.
  • Site Description: Write a brief summary of the services your website offers. Be specific and omit words such as "the best" ''highest rated" "largest" etc. You need to remain impartial here. You may know your website is great, but now is not the time to gloat.

The editors here reserve the right to re-phrase your title and description as we see fit to provide useful information to our visitors.

Category includes training opportunities, schools and institutions offering courses in the home inspection and real property inspection processes.

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Business or Organization

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms.