Games that can be played online with a web browser. Some require browser components such as Java, JavaScript, or Shockwave, but all are playable through the web browser.

This category is for sites that can be played online thought your web browser only. To have you site added faster, please submit it to the subcategory that best suits your site.

Cheats and Hints for browser based games (eg), and other similar sites.
This category is for websites that feature cheats and hints for browser based games. Please do not submit redirect urls, such as or Please avoid the use of promotional copy in your descriptions. Also, please ensure that your site contains your own content, and not just links to other cheats.
Sites with an assortment of web games. Only list sites here which cannot be listed in one of the other subcategories such as arcade games, strategy, sports, puzzles, cards, etc. Accepted sites will demonstrate exceptional original content. Site that are merely a collection of public-domain games, affiliate games, or are using games without permission of the copyright holder will not be listed.
Sites with an assortment of web games. Only list sites here which can not be listed in one of the other subcategories such as arcade games, strategy, sports, puzzles, cards, etc. Please list them by Java games, Shockwave or playable on any browser if they fit into these subcategories.

Accepted sites will demonstrate exceptional original content. Site that are merely a collection of public-domain games, affiliate games, or are using games without permission of the copyright holder will not be listed.

Links to Web games hosted on other sites.
Nomic is a game of making rules, something like a parody of legislatures. Players take turns to propose new rules about how to play the game further, anything from "from now on, all proposals must start with letter Q", to "the first person with thirteen proposals accepted wins", the others vote on them, if accepted they become the rules for how the game continues. It starts with a fixed base set of rules but naturally mutates into wild forms, as some propose "dice" rules, some "word game" rules, and so forth. This category contains sites dedicated to games of Nomic played over the Web.