Before you ask the editors to create a new subcategory please take the time to look around.
TIP: Go to the search engine and type in a few keywords that relate to your site. The search results will serve up listings of different categories. Go to those categories and see if one of them is right for you. You may have to do a few searches using different keywords that relate to your site.
Also, it is possible your site could more appropriately be placed under some other top level directory category such as Science or Society. Please find the closest related subcategory. It should be noted that the top level categories that are listed are very broad and also contain second, third, and sometimes fourth, fifth, and more levels of categories that may relate more closely to what you need for your listing. Make sure you have dug down deeply enough in the directory structure before you make a suggestion. If you list in the upper level categories, your listing could be moved to a lower level category or removed if not relevant. Thank you for your cooperation. --- As a "last" resort "after" you have exhausted all other methods --- If a related subcategory doesn't exist, you may contact one of the upper level editors and provide a suggestion. One of the editors will review your request. If it is truly not available, we will add the category and you can submit your URL to it. Note: You should not submit to the upper level categories.
Alumni listing sites for schools throughout the world can be found in these comprehensive alumni directories. Most have free registration for basic features and offer paid subscriptions for advanced features.
  • Single-school alumni sites will NOT be accepted in this category and should instead be submitted to the appropriate Regional category.
Here you will find educational institutions at the tertiary level and beyond. (Editors can access the Colleges and Universities Official Template.)
Please submit your site to the most appropriate subcategory.
Indexes and directories of web sites about education.
Please submit only links to directories of web sites about education. If a directory indexes sites which are not strictly about education, consider submitting it to another category, such as /Computers/Internet/Searching/Directories/ or /Reference/Directories. If a directory provides material about pedagogy or the profession of education, consider /Reference/Education/Educators. If a directory targets residents of a particular country or city, consider an appropriate category in /Regional.
Distance learning can be defined as the acquisition of knowledge and skills through mediated information and instruction. Distance learning encompasses all technologies and supports the pursuit of life long learning for all. Providing courses and electronic field trips are among the principal applications for distance learning in Pre-K through grade 12 education. Distance learning is also used to support rural and inner city classes with student enrichment, student courses, staff development and in-service training for teachers and administrators. Further, distance learning is used to share classes among schools for those areas who may not be able to find good teachers to teach honors courses like math and science. Distance learning provides a way to share those types of classes and employ one instructor. In higher education, distance learning is providing undergraduate and advanced degrees to students in offices, at community colleges and at various receive sites. Students for whom convenience may be a crucial factor in receiving college credit are earning degrees by interactive instructional television, ITFS and other means of delivery. These students may be place-bound or time-bound and this type of instruction provides access to all who wish to pursue a degree. Corporations often look to the use of technology and distance education to provide training and continuing education for their workers. This saves them millions of dollars each year using distance learning to train employees more effectively and more efficiently than with conventional methods. Programming for distance learning provides the receiver many options both in technical configurations and content design. Educational materials are delivered primarily through live and interactive classes. Today's technology offers many options for delivering and receiving education over a distance. The ability of the teacher and students to see each other may not be a necessary condition for effective distance learning, but audio is a critical component for interactivity. Teaching strategies based on computer applications are emerging that are also effective. Distance learning provides equity of access to information and opportunities, and can dramatically decrease the costs and inconveniences associated with maintaining a well-trained work force. Telecommunications systems that serve education can also benefit the community at large. In rural areas, especially, telecommunications systems and services are tied increasingly to economic development and community survival. New uses for distance learning include the application of information and educational resources for Pre-K through grade 12 students, adults, senior citizens, local governments, organizations and businesses. It should be noted that quality of distance learning programs varies widely, and there are hucksters out there selling worthless, unaccredited degrees and programs, sometimes passing them off as legitimate to unwary learners; buyer beware!
Distance Learning features education opportunities and resources available from a distance, using correspondence, satellite relay, audio and video tapes, software, WWW white boards, study guides, online discussion groups, e-mail, etc. Please suggest only sites in English to these categories. if the site is in a language other than English, please find the best category in World
Sites listed in this category may provide information on philosophies and methodologies of Early Childhood Education. Sites listed in this category may also provide classroom tips or teaching ideas related to a variety of subject areas. Subject-specific sites should be submitted to the appropriate subject sub-category. Home pages of preschools and daycare institutions should be submitted in the Regional category which corresponds with the location of the institution. SCHOOL AND INSTITUTION PAGES WILL NOT BE LISTED IN THIS SECTION. Sites for national and international organizations related to the education of young children should be submitted in the Organizations sub-category.
Please submit only sites that provide deal with philosophies or methodologies of early childhood education.

Home pages of preschools and daycare institutions should be submitted in the Regional category which corresponds with the location of the institution. INSTITUTIONAL PAGES WILL NOT BE LISTED IN THIS SECTION.

Sites marketing materials for the early childhood classroom should be submitted in Reference/Education/Products_and_Services/Early_Childhood. Inappropriate submissions are subject to deletion.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site still under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or consisting primarily of affiliate links to products will be deleted.

This directory contains information about educational testing issues, current large-scale and high-stakes standardized tests, new developments in educational assessment, current controversies about testing, and the websites for test developers and administrators. Although this category is listed under "Colleges and Universities", sites on issues related to testing at the K-12 level are listed here, as are sites that address the general philosophy of testing students at any age. There is no material on test preparation techniques or services in this directory, save for the services that testing organizations provide and list on their main websites. Independent sites containing articles that pertain to the usefulness and applicability of different types of test preparation (while not recommending one service over another) may be included. Those looking only for specific information regarding non-profit and commercial test preparation services should go to: Open Directory Reference: Education: Test Preparation

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Site or Organization

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms.

This category is dedicated resources for educators, that is, teachers in public and private schools, college and university educators, instructors in language and vocational schools, and to some extent administrators.
Things that go here include: professional organizations, generic resources for teachers (excluding sites on the use of technology for teaching, which have their own Instructional Technology category), resources for professional development, and related publications.

Things that don''t go here include: teachers'' or professors'' personal sites (primary and secondary teachers have a category at K through 12 Personal and Class Pages, college and university teachers please submit to the appropriate category for the subject you teach), and anything that is not in English.

Some of the larger constituencies have their own subcategories, e.g., K through 12 and Higher Education. So please, if your site is about only higher education, or only primary and secondary education, submit it in the subcategory.

Articles with advice and methodologies on appropriate and effective ways to study.

Non-commercial sites preferred. Businesses offering study assistance, books for sale, and other products for sale do not belong in this category and will be deleted or moved.

Commercial sites are available at References/Education/Products_and_Services/Study_Assistance.

Articles with advice and methodologies on appropriate and effective ways to study.

Non-commercial sites preferred. Businesses offering study assistance, books for sale, and other products for sale do not belong in this category and will be deleted or moved.

Commercial sites are available at References/Education/Products_and_Services/Study_Assistance.

Instructional Technology, also often referred to as Educational Technology, deals with the use of technology in teaching. This includes using interactive computer technologies for accompanying traditional courses, course websites, network learning, but also such relatively simple technologies as traditional audio-visual equipment (video, overhead projectors).
Please do not submit sites about the teaching of technology here, except where the intended audience is educators and the subject is technology for teaching; technology education belongs in Reference : Education : Subjects : Technology. Sites designed to help learning internet and computer skills can be found in Computers: Education: Programming and Computers : Internet : WWW : Authoring.

When submitting a site to this category, please do so in the most specific subcategory possible. For instance, if your site is geared towards teaching in high schools, submit it to the K-12 subcategory.

Please see the category description for more details about instructional technology.

For all schools that offer the International Baccalaureate curriculum, as authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization. Please be sure that the suggested site is in English and meets the standard acceptable requirements for content. Please indicate which program is offered by your school.

Sites not available in English should be suggested to the most appropriate World category.

Please submit only sites for journals or magazines concerned with education, or sites that otherwise cover education journals. Please note that there is a difference between an "EDUCATION journal" and an "EDUCATIONAL journal": the former is concerned with education policy, teacher training, etc., while the latter could be concerned with anything, and will probably not be accepted.
Resources for anyone involved with teaching, learning, and related educational issues at the elementary and secondary level, including parents, students, teachers, advocates, and administrators. A preponderance of sites concern Kindergarten through 12th grade education in the United States.
Reference/Education/K_through_12/Bilingual_Education/Practice includes sites which have practical use in a bilingual classroom: lesson plans, activities, curriculum design, information for parents, and educational language sites.

Pages discussing policy and debate of issues relating to bilingual education should be submitted to Society/Issues/Education/Bilingual_Education.

Sites dealing with academic research into bilingual education should be submitted to Science/Social_Sciences/Linguistics/Bilingualism/Bilingual_Education.

Category for sites relating to educational methods and theories. Place instructional design sites at Reference: Education: Methods and Theories: Instructional Design. Place learning theory sites at Reference: Education: Methods and Theories: Learning Theories. Place commercial sites offering services or products at Reference: Education: Products and Services.
Do not submit sites that are offering products for sale. They will not be added here. Instead, submit them at the best subcategory in Reference: Education: Products and Services. Submitting your commercial site here will significantly delay the time it takes to list your site.

Category for sites relating to educational methods and theories. Place instructional design sites at Reference: Education: Methods and Theories: Instructional Design. Place learning theory sites at Reference: Education: Methods and Theories: Learning Theories. Submit commercial sites offering services or products at Reference: Education: Products and Services. Commercial sites submitted here will not be added to this category. Submit to the correct category if you wish for your site to be added.

This category holds websites focusing on news about education. Websites about media studies belong over at News/Media/Journalism/Education.
This category holds websites focusing on news about education. Websites about media studies belong over at News/Media/Journalism/Education.
Organizations involved directly or indirectly in the education of youth or adults. This education is mainly in the 'traditional' sense-- reading, life skills, etc. Sites teaching how to ride horses or other rare skills probably will not be found here.
This organization is a worldwide, volunteer organization providing educational, cross-cultural experiences for children 11 years and up to 18 (and older).

Only websites that are clearly relevant to CISV, CISV activities, local chapters etc may be posted here; not CISV members'' personal homepages. Thanks!

PS! please notice that only pages in English can be submitted. Pages in other languages should be submitted under the /World/{language} categories.

General information and/or free sites may be submitted at this category level.
Education for persons with mental or physical disabilities.
Only submit: National organizations (no state or local organizations unless they also provide information and services nation-wide). Child related (may include adults if children are also served) No commercial sites. General career, technical, and specialized training sites should be suggested to subcategories and linked categories of .
This category contains information on the teaching of specific educational subjects, or specific academic curricula, organized by subject. Information on the subject itself, but not primarily educational in nature, or dealing with how to teach it, or learn it, belongs in the main category on the subject (for example Science), not under Education.
VOCATIONAL EDUCATION - Organized educational programs which are directly related to the preparation of individuals for paid or unpaid employment, or for additional preparation for a career requiring other than a baccalaureate or advanced degree. from Vocational Education Act of 1963