In order to be listed here, the site must first and foremost be a shopping site. Guidelines for shopping sites generally require at a minimum: 1. A list of specific products. 2. Prices for those products. 3. A means of ordering the products such as an on-line store, mail, email, phone, toll-free number or fax. This category is for sites that sell video games and video gaming accessories. If the company sells only console games (Sega, Nintendo, Playstation, etc) then it should be listed in the "Console" subcategory. If the company is focused mainly on used games then it should be listed in the "Used" subcategory. ONLY if your site sells both PC and console games, then it should be submitted to this category.
Accessories for video games and video game consoles.
Video game stores on the web. Includes both stores that sell game on-line and stores that provide contact information and require buyers to purchase via mail order.
If you have a site that sells a variety of different products, only submit your Atari sections here.

Guides and Documentation for Video games offered for sale, with prices and a remote method for urchasing the items directly from the site.

For items offered for free, please suggest the site to the appropriate subcategory in /Games/Video_Games/ .

Sites that predominantly sell used games of any type.
Please only suggest sites that sell a variety of used games.