The Jokes category is for sites that mostly contain original material not published elsewhere. If your site is purely a collection of jokes, or is a small collection only, please consider listing in these categories: Joke Collections
Small Collections
If you are unsure about where to submit your site, please search the directory and look for sites similar to your own, then submit to that category.

The editors reserve the right not to list your site, and to delete it after its addition. Multiple submissions, especially to inappropriate categories, will not be tolerated.

For general information on how to submit sites to the Open Directory Project Click Here and read the ''How to'' guide and ODP submission policies.

This category is for joke sites that feature a good selection of jokes about dizzy blondes, and not necessarily female ones!
Please review the Submission Guidelines
These websites prove that clean humor can be enjoyed by everyone in the family. This category contains a wide variety of jokes, stories, riddles, pictures, etc. Funny, clean jokes require the best quality of humor, unlike dirty jokes.

Please only submit sites with clean, family-rated humor (jokes, stories, riddles, pictures, etc.) in this category. If your website contains R rated humor, please submit to the appropriate category under Top: Recreation: Humor. Sites with small collections should be listed under Top: Recreation: Humor: Jokes: Small Collections.

The editors reserve the right not to list your site, and to delete it after its addition. Multiple submissions, especially to inappropriate categories, will not be tolerated.

Submitting sites with misleading labelling (e.g. "kids" or "clean") to this category that link to pages with X rated content will be reported to appropriate content filtering services and the upstream Internet services provider.

For general information on how to submit sites to the Open Directory Project Click Here and read the ''How to'' guide and ODP submission policies.

This category is for sites that consist of purely Joke Collections, that have multiple categories.
Please review the Submission Guidelines
This category is for Joke sites that feature ethnic and cultural jokes specifically.
Please review the Submission Guidelines
This category lists joke sites which have a new joke on their site everyday of the week . If you want to get jokes in your email everyday try Recreation: Humor: Mailing_Lists
Joke sites with new jokes everyday/weekly etc on their pages are listed in this category.

If you run a humor mailing list , please list your site at Recreation: Humor: Mailing_Lists


Men, when will they ever learn? If you're feeling down after being dumped or just want a good laugh, these anti-men joke pages will be sure to crack you up!
Please review the Submission Guidelines
This category is for sites that offer a random joke feature, allowing visitors to receive a variety of jokes with a single click.
Please review the Submission Guidelines
This category is for sites that strongly feature Redneck jokes.
Please review the Submission Guidelines
This category is for sites that offer joke collections, and smaller lists of jokes or humorous stories.
Please review the Submission Guidelines
This category is for those sites that cross the boundary of good taste in a variety of ways. As a result, the sites listed in this category can be seen as offensive and should not be viewed by anyone of a sensitive disposition. Even though this category covers some tasteless material, pornographic and overtly adult material should not be submitted here. For information on submitting strictly adult material visit Adult Humor where your site may be better suited.
Please review the Submission Guidelines
For sites that offer humorous lists.
Please review the Submission Guidelines. Please note that this is not for traffic generating link exchange lists which *may* be considered in the Recreation/Humor/Directories category.
This category is for sites that feature strongly jokes on, or about women.
Please review the Submission Guidelines
Jocular tests to establish one's cultural or ethnic identity, introduced by the formula "You know you are (an) X if/when..." or "You know you are from Y if/when...", followed by a number of peculiar characteristics that are often only understood by insiders.
This category is for sites that strongly feature Yo Momma style jokes - one line insults about one's mother. An example is:

Yo mamma's so fat, she stepped on a talking scale and it told her "One at a time, please."

Commonest categories include fat, ugly, stupid, poor, and nasty.