Recreation/Travel/Transportation and its subcategories list sites for providers of transportation services (like airlines or car rental companies) relevant to travelers and related resources.
This category lists only comprehensive transportation resources relevant to a traveler. Submitting to the correct category will speed the listing of your site.
  • Sites relevant to a specific mode of travel (air, car, etc.) should be submitted to a more specific subcategory.


Few sites, if any, will be listed in this category. Please submit your listing to a more specific topic.

Submitting your site to the wrong category will delay your listing in the directory.
Carpooling (also known as ride-sharing, lift-sharing and covoiturage), is the sharing of car journeys so that more than one person travels in a car. By having more people using one vehicle, carpooling reduces each person's travel costs such as fuel costs, tolls, and the stress of driving. Carpooling is also seen as a more environmentally friendly and sustainable way to travel as sharing journeys reduces carbon emissions, traffic congestion on the roads, and the need for parking spaces. Authorities often encourage carpooling, especially during high pollution periods and high fuel prices.
This category is for websites on carpooling.
Sites on hitchhiking and car sharing should be submitted to their appropriate categories.
Hitchhiking (also known as hitching or thumbing) is a means of transportation by asking usually strangers for a ride in their vehicle. The latter may require many rides from different people. A ride is usually, but not always, free.

Hitchhiking is not legal in all localities.
Please only submit sites that are related to hitchhiking. This means that you must not have your own vehicle and you must be travelling through the use of other peoples modes of transport.

Businesses renting vehicles for short periods of time to different people should be submitted to:

Websites on pre-arranged splitting of rides should be submitted to:
Includes end providers of limousine service as well as central dispatch facilities / agents that place reservations which they have confirmed with end providers of limousine service.
To speed the review of your site and its listing in the directory, please go to Regional and add use the request form in the correct category of your locality. Few sites, if any, will be listed in this category. Please submit your listing to a more specific topic.
Submitting your site to the wrong category will delay your listing in the directory.