Related categories 2
Sites 13
007 News WWW Edition
This newsletter attempts to combine mathematics and humour.
36 Methods of Mathematical Proof
Check how many you've used in your lifetime.
Acme Klein Bottle
Glass Klein bottles of all types.
The Effects of Moore's Law and Slacking on Large Computations
We show that, in the context of Moore's Law, overall productivity can be increased for large enough computations by `slacking' or waiting for some period of time before purchasing a computer and beginning the calculation.
Fun With Math
Annotated links to math jokes, humor and mathematical recreations.
Gary Ramseyer's First Internet Gallery of Statistics Jokes
Over 120k of jokes.
The Math Humor Page
A collection of math humor links.
Math Jokes
A page of math jokes.
Mathematical and academic jokes
A collection of academic jokes with an emphasis towards mathematical ones.
Mathematical humour
Definitions, anecdotes, and limericks about math and mathematicians.
Topology Cartoons
From the Topology Atlas.
The Weekly Puzzler
Not all of these are mathematical in nature, but many of them are.
Why is the Mathematician So Messy?
Explain it if you can.
Last update:
October 18, 2016 at 11:24:09 UTC