Fan fiction is original fiction based on characters and situations from television, books, movies, and celebrity lives.
Sites with adult fiction -- that which includes graphic violent or sexual content -- should be submitted to Adult/Arts/Online_Writing/Fiction/Fan_Fiction/.
This category is for fictional fan written stories featuring musical groups or specific artists.
Please submit only sites with fiction featuring more than one band or musical artist. If your site features fiction devoted to a single group, please submit it to the appropriate category in Arts: Music: Bands and Artists.
Directories are not archives, but rather organized link collections to fan fiction sites.
Fanzines are fan-produced, 'dead-tree' (printed) versions of fan fiction. Sites in this category may include story samples, but should primarily be information about the zines, possibly including prices and ordering guide.
Presses which include explicit material in the zine information or submission guidelines, or sites for zines which consist solely of adult material, should be submitted to the adult fanzine category.
This category is for fictional stories featuring real celebrities.
If you site includes adult content, including graphic sexual or violent material, please submit it to Adult: Arts: Online Writing: Fiction: Fan Fiction: Wrestling.
This category is for fan fiction based on movies. Fan fiction is original fiction based on characters and situations from television, books, movies, and celebrity lives.
If your archive includes adult material, please submit it to Adult/Arts/Online_Writing/Fiction/Fan_Fiction/Movies/.

If your archive is primarily devoted to fan fiction from a single source, please submit it to the appropriate subject category in Arts/Online_Writing/Fiction/Fan_Fiction/Movies/.

Multifandom archives feature stories inspired by more than one source, such as multiple television shows, films, books, or a combination thereof.
If your archive includes adult material, please submit it to the Adult Multifandom Fan Fiction category. If your archive is primarily devoted to fan fiction from a single source, please submit it to the appropriate subject category in Television, Movies, or other subject.
This category is dedicated only for WWW sites which contain "fan fiction" stories based upon role-playing games, such as Final Fantasy, etc.
This category is dedicated only for WWW sites which contain "fan fiction" stories based upon multiple Role-Playing Games, such as Final Fantasy, etc. If your have a site of such stories, you may submit it to this category. Please note that this site is not for RPGs in general. Such sites should be submitted to Games: Roleplaying.

Sites in this category must feature stories from more than one RPG. If the site focuses on one particular Game, it should be submitted to that game''s category in Games: Roleplaying. Thank you!

For fan fiction dedicated to TV shows.
Associations of web sites related to a general fan fiction.