Sites in this category offer advice and resources for career enhancement, career selection and dealing with career choices.
Sites listed here should be general in nature. If your site covers a specific industry please send it to that category.

Some examples include: Advertising , Entertainment , Law Enforcement , Sales and Information Technology .

If your company covers job listings for a specific area of the world, please send your listing to the appropriate Regional category.

If your site is not in English, please send to the appropriate World category.

The resources that you need to make a decision about your vocational goals and career path.

This broad topic encompasses, but is not limited to, self-assessment (testing), resume writing, interviewing, job search techniques, salary negotiation and decision making.

Sites that have been included are metasites (web pages that direct you to relevant links); e-zines; college web pages that have guides on line; and businesses advertising their services.

Sites will not be listed which have a purely regional focus. If your site is directed towards a specific area of the world, please send it to the appropriate Regional/ category.
Sites offering career coaching, counseling, and/or management for individuals in pursuit of a career.
A directory is a guide or list of resources, not an individual business. Directories are compilation of websites containing comprehensive indexes or lists of general business resources, companies, and company related information.
This category will list only general career related directories. Industry specific directories will be listed under the individual industry.
This category contains sites offering job reference checking services for the job seeker and sites offering information on how to verify references.
Sites offering general career and industry statistics, salary and other surveys, and employment numbers. Sites which offer surveys and statistics on a particular industry should be listed under the appropriate industry category.