Non-scientific sites about wild animals and plants.
This category is only for non-scientific sites about wild animals and plants.

Shopping sites will not be listed here and should be submitted to Shopping/Recreation_and_Hobbies/Science_and_Nature

Sites related to wildlife watching holidays or tours should be submitted to Recreation/Travel/Specialty/Ecotourism

Sites dealing with animals as pets go to the appropriate subcategory of Recreation/Pets.

Submit sites related to the scientific field of zoology to the appropriate subcategory of Science/Biology/Zoology/.

Scientific sites dealing with the phylogeny, classification, or taxonomy of a particular group of animals go to the appropriate subcategory of Science/Biology/Flora_and_Fauna/Animalia/.

Related: Where should I submit my website about animals? Or, where will I find the animal topic I am looking for?

Non-scientific sites about bats. Especially watching, rehabilitation and amateur research.
This category is only for non-scientific sites about bats.

Submit sites related to the scientific field of phylogeny, classification, or taxonomy go to Science/Biology/Flora_and_Fauna/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Chiroptera/.

Organisations, charities, societies and local groups should be submitted to Recreation/Outdoors/Wildlife/Bats/Organizations.

Designs for bat houses and related activities should be submitted to Recreation/Outdoors/Wildlife/Bats/Bat Houses.

Bat detectors and related technology should be submitted to Science/Technology/Acoustics,_Ultrasound_and_Vibration/Ultrasound/Companies/Bat_Detectors

Non-scientific sites about bears and their interaction with humans.
Do NOT submit sites pertaining to inanimate bears items such as stuffed animals (e.g., teddy bears), cultural icons (e.g., Smokey Bear), art work, or manmade bear items. Each of those items has a category where they would fit better [see list of categories at ]

Sites about bear lodges, restaurants, or tours are not suitable for this category unless the site also has unique content about bears.

This category is for non-scientific sites related to the recreational activity of butterflying - observing butterflies in the wild.
This category is only for non-scientific sites related to the recreational activity of butterflying - observing butterflies in the wild.

Shopping sites should be submitted to Shopping/Recreation_and_Hobbies/Science_and_Nature/Biology/Insects/Butterflies/.

Scientific sites and sites that deal with both butterflies and moths go to Science/Biology/Zoology/Arthropoda/Insects/Butterflies_and_Moths.

Sites by people who are interested in all kinds of wildlife. Personal sites focused on a specific type of animal or covering a specific region are listed in more narrowly defined categories.

This category is for sites with images and/or information about plants in the wild and little or no gardening content.

Sites that specialize in the cultivation of wildflowers are listed under Home/Gardens/Plants/Wildflowers.

Sites with scientific information about specific plants, and plants listed by Taxonomic Group are under Science/Biology/Flora_and_Fauna/Plantae.

Sites that focus on rehabilitation and returning to the wild are listed in this category.
Sites that focus on rehabilitation and returning to the wild should be submitted to this category.

Sites that focus on rescuing and sheltering - not on returning to the wild - should not be submitted to this category. They belong in Society/Organizations/Animal_Welfare/Rescues_and_Shelters/Wildlife.

Campaigning organizations or general welfare sites should not be submitted to this category. They belong in Society/Organizations/Animal Welfare.